
Get more from your membership

Wherever you want to explore, we can help to get you there for less, with discounted hotel stays around the world.

Save even more: reduce the price of hotels by using just one trading power per night.^

No trading power left or want to save it? No problem! You’ll still save on hotels, thanks to our exclusive member prices.

Plus, our best price guarantee means we promise to give you the most competitive price on hotels, when you use your trading power to reduce the price.*


Stay and save.

From sightseeing getaways to luxury or convenience, choose from a selection of hotels across the globe.

Have the extra scoop.
Stay an extra night.

Want to book more than five nights? You only need to use five trading power to further reduce the price for unlimited stays of five nights or more.

Treat yourself: make more of your holiday. Extend your stay with additional nights to match flight options – thanks to the flexibility your membership offers.

More perks. More for your membership. Make more of it with RCI Platinum.

RCI Platinum members enjoy even more discounts on selected hotel stays.

Search our worldwide choice of hotels and you'll see the RCI Platinum member discount.

Terms and conditions: Standard RCI Weeks member terms apply.

^ RCI members can use eligible trading power to access discounts on hotel reservations subject to the RCI Weeks Hotel Program terms which can be viewed here. Hotel reservations are available to book via Alliance Reservation Network. For full terms and conditions relating to Alliance Reservation Network hotel reservations click here.

*Best Price Guarantee is only applicable on hotel reservations booked via Alliance Reservation Network when you use trading power to reduce the price. For full terms and conditions click here.