4 Travel Tips For The Ultimate Friends Trip

By Daniel Betancourt

Traveling with friends can make for an incredible vacation. While orchestrating the perfect group getaway does take a bit of work, if done right, the memories can last a lifetime. Fall is the perfect time to grab a few pals and escape to an exciting destination the whole crew will love. Here are a few helpful travel tips to make your next friends trip a great success.

1. Find Common Themes

When it comes to group travel, not everyone vacations the same way. While a mountain retreat may be a favorite for some, others may find cities escapes more appealing. Make sure your entire group is on the same page about where you’re traveling to before setting your plans in motion. If the vacation destination is not someone’s cup of tea, they can always join in on the next trip. The same goes for activities. Be democratic about your plans. While everyone on the friends trip should get the chance to plan at least one activity of their choosing, in some cases, majority rules.

2. Choose A Leader

Travel plans oftentimes come up because someone takes the lead and proposes the idea. It could be for a friend’s birthday, a bucket list trip for a significant other, or a suggestion made over dinner. With so much to coordinate, it makes sense the person with the most desire to get the gang all together takes charge and plans the vacation. That’s not to say all the work falls on the shoulders of one person. Everyone should take part in planning some part of the group getaway. The leader is just the one who pulls all the pieces together.

take the ultimate friends trip

3. Set Budget Expectations

While some travel expenses are personal, everyone on the group getaway should subscribe to certain attributes of a travel budget. Accommodations are a big one. The entire group needs to agree on where to stay and how much each person is willing to pay. The same goes for travel excursions, activities, and dining. Also, be sure to give the group enough lead time to pay for parts of the trip ahead of time. For example, airfare and travel expenses should be paid for well in advance. Another travel tip is to create a vacation fund. Everyone contributes equally to the fund to pay for shared costs during the friends trip, including ride share expenses, tips for housekeepers, gas, valet parking, and more. At the end of the trip, whatever is left in the fund is equally distributed back to the members of the group.

4. Be Flexible

Don’t expect to plan every single minute of a group getaway. Time should be reserved for group members to do their own thing for a bit. Designate a day or two for the group to spend time on their own or to split up and take part in separate activities. The key is to not be overly ambitious with your agenda. Reserve down time for your friends trip, whether that’s with a low-key breakfast, afternoon naps, or an evening with no set itinerary.

Ready to go? Get these five fun vacation destinations for your next group getaway.

*These vacations are limited and subject to availability.

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